Tenko’s smoking lounge

Marysia Paruzel

“station to station”

dry wall, paint, c-prints; 2 x 90x60cm and 120x90cm, chewing gum

2005 - 2024

since my show in tokyo i felt I resolved my need of storytelling by using a camera as a tool,

yet I was afraid to show photos on a wall, i fantasize that when i was 13th my relation to

photography was as direct as was my love to my best friend and now its not. making pic

tures of my objects makes me calm and happy; I feel like i made them forever and i can

move on. i wanted this installation to be a bridge for my photography trouble but its a wall

but a bus stop wall is a bridge.. last time i showed c-prints they where pictures i made

during covid in a plane of evacuation instruction using fly view setting on my androids app

and they were called ‘passengers’. images here are made with dental analog camera and

with russian praktica, very heavy camera we often joked could be used as a protective

weapon and these i called ‘station to station’. zoo station was a curriculums mandatory

read in polish middle school, many to lazy to read, watched christiane f movie, often first

encounter with david bowie, who apparently wrote both passenger and station to station.

alina szapocznikow ‘photosculptures’ are so beautiful. when you are 13; you have a max-

imum handful of friends (if you are lucky) that you really care about and the rest of people

do not matter, the rest that matter are dead masters. such as alina. she was a pioneer,

big dreamer and stories from her life are wonderful. she was always mastering ‘unstable’

for long time i am trying to find at my moms place an old postcard her friend sent to me

from switzerland, before my first trip over the border of my country, it was depicting a girl

alone on a empty train station sitting in bright sun on a bag bigger than her, wearing ele

gant hat and holding a teddy bear in her hand, on the back of this card she had written to

me; are you ready? for ears now I have not found that postcard but while looking for it I

did find those pictures! If one looks closer Zuzia is holding a camera in her hand as well

two girls in transit with two cameras..

Joseph Bourgois

‘Glowstick Pole Lamp 1’

PVC Pipe, Lacquer, Phosphorecent paint, stickers, metal, 2024

‘Glowstick Pole Lamp 2’

PVC Pipe, Tape, Phosphorecent Paint, stickers, Metal, 2024

Joseph Bourgois and Solana